Home Club Socks was founded to help and ease the way to pro golf for the top athletes. One pair of socks at a time!

We have very cool Collaborations

With some very cool collaborations programs and via a bunch of marvellous influencers, Homeclub Socks will give back to the golf community in many ways.


We Give Back to local golf Programs

HC will give back at the end of each year 1% of its profit to local golf programs via the local federations. Ex; Money raised in Québec will go to Golf Québec, Money raised In Ontario will go to Golf Ontario

We help and collaborate with our Ambassadors

HC will help and collaborate with their ambassadors to make sure their dreams stays accessible. For each pair sold of the « special ambassadors program » HC will donate 5$ directly to the chosen athletes to help him of her fund their seasons, their training or their travail expenses.


We help raise money to promote Golf

HC will help raise money to promote golf. Alongside Golf Québec, and it’s « Sortez Golfez » program, HC will donate 5$ for each pair of the « Sortez Golfez » model sold in 2022-2023.